Proposal usaha

Posted by Unknown on 13.38

                    Kata Pengantar
      Puji dan syukur penulis ucapkan  kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena berkat rahmat dan karunianya, sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan proposal kewirausahaan.
     Adapun latar belakang penulis membuat proposal The Snack Corner. Penulis juga mengucapkan terimakasih kepada pihak yang membantu menyelesailan proposal ini.
      Penulis menyadari proposal ini masih jauh dari kata sempurna. Oleh karena itu, diharapkan kritik dan saran dapat membangun agar penulis dapat memperbaikinya. Semoga proposal ini dapat bermanfaat dan bisa menjadi inspirasi banyak orang.

I. Latar Belakang
      Telah kita ketahui makanan merupakan kebutuhan pokok primer manusia yang berupa makanan berat. Disamping itu terdapat juga makanan ringan atau yang biasa kita sebut dengan camilan. Dari zaman dulu hingga sekarang sudah banyak sekali macam-macam camilan yang mewarnai bisnis camilan, seperti halnya gorengan tahu isi, bakwan, atau keripik yang terbuat dari tempe,kentang,ubi, ataupun snack snack ringan.Camilan sangat digemari oleh masyarakat kita, dan banyak dikonsumsi untuk menemani aktivitas seperti menonton tv, membaca buku, belajar, sekedar ngobrol di rumah, atau untuk menyuguhkan kepada tamu. Camilan juga bisa dijadikan sebagai oleh-oleh. Camilan tidak hanya disukai oleh yang muda tetapi yang tua pun menyukai panganan ini.
      Tentunya sudah banyak sekali macam macam jenis camilan yang beredar di pasaran, baik dari produk luar negri maupun dalam negri. Kreatifitas masyarakat kita pun semakin tinggi dalam membuat inovasi baru makanan ringan. Semakin tingginya bisnis camilan semakin pula menciptakan peluang kerja yang baru.
       Oleh karena itu The Snack Corner(TSC) mendukung camilan produk lokal untuk semakin dikenal luas oleh masyarakat. TSC merupakan shop yang berbasis online dan offline yang  menawarkan berbagai jenis camilan produk lokal. Camilan yang ditawarkan adalah popcorn story, makaroni mamade, dan Mr monkey banana chips. Disini TSC sebagai penjual tangan kedua yang dimana semua produk diambil dari supplier.
II.  Visi
   Menjadikan TSC sebagai wadah yang menjual camilan lokal dan dikenal oleh kaum muda dan tua.
III. Misi
- TSC memperkenalkan camilan produk lokal kepada masyarakat luas
- Memasarkan variasa rasa yang lebih banyak
- Mencapai sasaran penjualan secara maksimal
- Memasarkan produk yang dapat digemari oleh semua produk

IV. Analisa Peluang usaha
      Untuk memulai setiap kegiatan usaha, hal yang terlebih dahulu dilakukan yaitu mengukur pesaing dan  kemampuan terhadap lingkungan melalui analisis SWOT :
1. Strength(kekuatan)
    Kekuatan dari produk-produk yang dijual oleh TSC adalah masing-masing produk mempunyai berbagai macam rasa. Popcorn story memiliki 6 rasa yaitu original, caramel, jalapeno, chocolate, tiramissu, dan green tea. Makaroni mamade memiliki 8 rasa yaitu bebek asap,balado, ayam bawang, original, jagung bakar, oriental, keju & kari ayam. Sedangkan Mr monkey banana chips memiliki 5 rasa yaitu cokelat, susu, kopi, stroberi & cokelat cinnamon. Produk yang terjamin dan higienis.
2. Weakness (kelemahan)
    - Produk gampang ditiru dan dijual kembali dengan harga murah
    - Nama produk masih asing di masyarakat
    - Dapat kadaluarsa jika tak laku
3. Opportunity (peluang)
    - Packaging yang menarik
    - Adanya inovasi dalam varian rasa
4. Threath (ancaman)
Persaingan harga yang ketat antar reseller

V. Marketing Mix
1. Product (Produk)
    Produk yang dijual adalah makaroni mamade, Mr monkey banana chips, dan popcorn story cocok sebagai kudapan sehari-hari. Popcorn story merupakan produk yang dimana memiliki banyak aneka rasa, kita tak perlu repot membuat popcorn lagi karna popcorn story dapat dimakan secara langsung, sangat praktis. Makaroni mamade adalah makaroni fusilli yang digoreng dengan teknik khusus sehingga membuat makaroni menjadi renyah tidak keras saat digigit. Mr monkey merupakan keripik pisang kepok yang berpotongan tebal dengan bubuk flavor yang banyak.
2. Price (harga)
    Untuk harga popcorn story rasa original seharga Rp. 22.000/pcs sementara rasa yang lain seharga Rp. 25.000/pcs.
Harga makaroni mamade untuk semua rasa sama yaitu seharga Rp. 20.000/pcs.
Harga Mr Monkey banana chips seharga Rp. 15.000/pcs.
3. Promotion (promosi)
    Beli 10 pcs snack di TSC maka akan mendapatkan potongan harga untuk pembelian selanjutnya.
4. Place (tempat)
    Tempat untuk memasarkan produk-produk tersebut dapat melalui secara online yaitu di Instagram, menaruh di minimarket kecil dan melalui mulut ke mulut.

VI. Proses Distribusi
     TSC sebagai tangan kedua penjual memesan barang dari supplier melalui online dan dikirim memakai JNE. Lalu TSC akan menjualnya kembali. Untuk packaging TSC memakai paperbag ukuran M dengan tali.

     Produk-produk TSC sangatlah aman karna tidak menggunakan bahan kimia yang berbahaya. Tentunya semua produk diproses secara higienis. Dan dikemas dalam kemasan yang bersih.

VII. Rencana Keuangan

Modal : Rp. 2.000.000
Harga beli dari supplier :
(Ambil 35 pcs per produk)
Popcorn Story          Rp. 22.000    x 35
Makaroni mamade    Rp. 16.000    x 35
Mr Monkey               Rp. 10.000    x 35
                        Total   Rp.1.680.000
Paperbag untuk packaging Rp. 160.000
           Total keseluruhan Rp. 1.840.000

Harga jual ke konsumen :
Popcorn story        Rp. 25.000/pcs
Makaroni Mamade Rp. 20.000/pcs
Mr Monkey             Rp. 15.000/pcs

keuntungan yang diharapkan didapat perhari Rp. 50.000

VIII. Kesimpulan
      Agar produk yang kita pasarkan dapat diterima dengan baik oleh semua kalangan, maka hal yang harus dilakukan :
- Membuat inovasi baru dalam variasi rasa.
- Membuat kemasan yang menarik.
- Memperhatikan kualitas suatu produk.
- Membuat produk yang praktis.
- Menentukan wilayah pemasaran yang tepat.

IX. Penutup
     Terimakasih atas waktu yang telah diberikan kepada penulis untuk menyelesaikan proposal laporan  usaha untuk tugas mata kuliah kewirausahaan dengan menjual makanan ringan produk lokal. Penulis juga ingin memohon maaf  sebesar-besarnya bila laporan ini masih jauh dari kesempurnaan.


100 impian

Posted by Unknown on 15.14

1. Bisa jago photoshop atau software sejenis lainnya
2. Bisa jago dalam editing video
3. Punya skill dalam public speaking
4. Punya skill dalam gambar
5. Bisa design baju
6. Increase my self confidence
7. Bisa jago masak
8. Bisa jadi wanita yang menginpirasi banyak wanita lainnya
9. Menjalani hidup sehat yaitu olahraga teratur
10. Bisa menjadi muslimah yang baik
11. Bisa lebih memperkuat iman
12. Pengen mata balik normal lagi, pokoknya  punya mata sehat
13. Bisa dapet beasiswa lokal
14. Dapet beasiswa kuliah di luarnegeri (eropa/jepang)
15. Bisa berenang
16. Memperdalam skill writing
17. Memperdalam skill fotografi
18. Bisa ikut volunteer di acara tertentu
19. Bisa aktif dalam organisasi
20. Design sendiri furniture untuk rumah impian
21. Ganti hp baru
22. Beli tablet terbaru
23. Ngebangun onlineshop yang sukses sampe ke luar negri
24. Kuliah sampe S2
25. Bisa jalan-jalan bareng temen ke jogja/malang
26. Naikin haji orangtua sama nenek kakek
27. Pergi umrah bareng keluarga
28. Nulis novel dan bisa jadi best seller di seluruh dunia
29. Bikin bahagia mama papa
30. Bikin yayasan buat anak-anak yang kurang mampu
31. Jalan jalan bareng sama kakak dan adek ke luar kota
32. Cicipin makanan dari sabang sampe merauke
33. Beli kamera fujifilm x-e2 atau keluaran yang terbaru
34. Bisa membantu dan nenolong orang lain yg membutuhkan
35. Badan jadi gemukan dikit biar ga kurus banget
36. Punya badan yang ideal
37. Nyobain martabak nikmat andir di bandung
38. Beli barang di Blanc and Eclare
39. Bisa foto bareng jessica & krystal (wkwk)
40. Kuliah lancar dan lulus dengan nilai memuaskan
41. Investasi emas 2kg
42. Punya peternakan sapi
43. Bisa ke new york and los angeles
44. Bisa pergi ke jepang
45. Bisa menjadi orang berguna
46. Bisa berkontribusi kepada masyarakat
47. Bisa berangkat haji
48. Bisa ke maldives
49. Ajak jalan2 keluarga ke luar negri atau keliling indonesia
50. Bisa travelling ke seluruh indonesia
51. Punya rumah di BSD city
52. Punya rumah dari properti group podomoro land
53. Punya apartemen di kawasan SCBD
54. Bangun rumah di kawasan kebagusan
55. Punya rumah di tanjung barat indah
56. Bangun kos kosan
57. Beliin rumah buat orang tua
58. Beli rumah buat dijadiin kontrakan terus kasih ke orangtua
59. Beli rumah buat nenek
60. Punya villa di bali
61. Bikin kos kosan di bali
62. Bikin hotel bintang 4 dan punya cabang dimana mana
63. Punya perusahaan yang besar
64. Punya clothing line sendiri
65. Jadi entrepreneur sukses
66. Kunjungin semua disneyland yang ada di dunia
67. Sukses di usia muda
68. Bisa tinggal di jepang minimal 2 tahun
69. Punya rumah di kawasan menteng
70. Jalan jalan ke korea selatan
71. Jalan jalan ke new zealand ke tempat syuting the hobbit
72. Bisa liat kecantikan fenomena aurora
73. Bisa pergi ke pantai yang ada di sabang sampe merauke
74. Liat sunrise dari puncak gunung
75. Bisa liat sakura mekar secara langsung
76. Bisa kerja di salah satu majalah terkenal
77. Bisa terjun ke fashion management / industry
78. Ambil kelas profesional PR
79. Bisa ikut study exchange
80. Punya mobil honda city
81. Bisa pergi ke Greece
82. Bisa pergi ke tempat lokasi syuting harry potter
83. Bisa gabung di NGO seperti unicef
84. Ke warner bross movie studio
85. Bisa punya british accent
86.nyobain burger shake & shack di New York
87. Punya bisnis tour and travel
88. Punya rumah yg ada halaman dan kolam berenang
89. Punya mobil BMW sport
90. Punya mobil range rover sport warna merah
91. Punya butik sendiri
92. Bisa kenal dengan orang2 hebat yang ada di indonesia
93. Memperluas networking
94. Tampil di acara talkshow dalam negri maupun luar
95. Punya kuda
96. Puas belanja tanpa melihat harganya
97. Treat my self like a queen at Burj khalifa in Dubai
98. Membuka lapangan kerja di indonesia
99. Bisa travelling keliling dunia
100. Bisa pergi ke tempat2 indah yang ada di dunia ini

Posted by Unknown on 23.40

1.Youth internalizing and specialization
Definition Youth
        Youth is the young people which still need guidance and at the development of better , to continue and in the development that has now take place , youth in indonesia today has been multifaceted especially when associated with an educational opportunity.

Definition Socialization
        Socialization is a process of planting or transfer of customs or values and rules from one generation to another in a group or society. Some sociologists call socialization as a theory about the role (role theory). Because in the process of socialization taught the roles to be performed by the individual.
Internalization of Learning and Socialization 
        Internalization of learning and socialization process of infiltration of knowledge into the mind. In this process, explicit knowledge (visible, usually in the form of symbols and codes) converted into tasit (invisible). Examples of internalization is reading a book, print and digital. Printed books certainly do not need to be presented with information technology. While digital books or electronics require information technology.

The process of socialization
      The socialization process is ways associated people individuals and social groups meet each other and defines a system , relations and forms .Or as the reciprocal influence between the various facets of reality with which includes various aspects of life .According to prof .Dr .Soerjono soekamto in introductory sociology , social interaction is the key to all social life .By the absence of communication or interactions among each other and there is no possible a life together .If only physical that face each other from each other can not produce a form of a social group that can interact .Hence than it can it was stated that interaction is the basis of a form of the social process because without any social interaction , then activities between one individual with another can hardly be called interaction . Meanwhile, according to George Herbert Mead found that socialization through which a person can be distinguished through the following stages:
Preparatory phase (Preparatory Stage), Stage mimic (Stage Play), Phase ready to act (Game Stage), and the collective norm acceptance Stage (Generalized Stage / Generalized other).
The general form is a social process of social interaction (social interaction) and as a condition for the occurrence of social activity. Social interaction is social relations concerning the dynamic relationship between individual persons, between human groups, and between groups of people with individual persons.
Knowledge of social processes allows one to obtain a dynamic sense of community or society motion. Society in general has a structural forms such as: social groups, cultural, social institutions, strafikasi and power. All of them have interaction. Changes and developments in terms of the dynamics of society that embodies caused community members always make contact with one another, either in the form of individual persons or groups.

Socialization agents are those who carry out or socialize. There are four primary socialization agents, namely:
1. Family
According to Jaeger Gertrudge role of the agents of socialization within the family system in the early stages is very large because of the child to be in a family environment, especially their own parents.
2. Environment (playmate)
Was first obtained man when he was able to travel out of the house. Friends play can also influence the process of socialization after the family. The peak effect of playmates are in adolescence. Groups play a greater role in shaping the personality of an individual.
3. Institutions
According Dreeben, in formal educational institutions someone learn to read, write, and count. Another aspect studied are the rules regarding independence (independence), achievement (achievement), universalism, and distinctiveness (specificity). In a child's home environment expect help from their parents in carrying out various jobs, but at school as a large school work must be done with a sense of responsibility.
4. The mass media
Which include mass media group here is the print media (newspapers, majalh, tabloid), electronic media (radio, television, video, film). The magnitude of the influence of the media is highly dependent on the quality and frequency of the message.
Social contact can take place in three forms, namely:
a. Individuals with individual
There are individuals who give effect, stimulus / stimulus to another individual. For example; young children learn the habits of the family, this process is called socialization.
b. Individuals with a group of people
For example; norms of political parties in the community to force its members to conform to the ideology and program.
c. Group of humans with human group
for example; Relations of cooperation between the two companies to establish a business partnership.

The social role of students and youth in the community
     students are intellectuals, who have a strong scientific basis in accordance with the majors are taken of each student, which means students' academic ability can be relied upon as one of the country's assets. However, students also constitute a social entity that always interact with people from all kinds of layers, so in this case the students were required to play an active role in the social life of society. Meanwhile, The role of youth in society Socialization
youth are the future generation. Youth is always synonymous with change, because many youth role in helping to build this nation, the role of youth in the justice, and the role of young people who rejected power.

2. Youth and identity 

The basic pattern formation and development of the younger generation
 Basic pattern formation and development of young generation determined by the Minister of Education and Culture in Decree Pendidkan and Culture number: 0323 / U / 1978 dated October 28, 1978. That had the goal of keeping the interested parties actually use the guidelines to be able to achieve the goals right.

Pattern formation and development of young people have basic like:
1. Pancasila
2. Act of 1945
3. Outlines of State Policy
4. Youth Pledge and Proclamation
5. Values in the community

Basic understanding and coaching and youth development
In this case the coaching and youth development involves two fundamental sense, namely:
a). the younger generation as the subject of coaching and development to those who have the ability to be independent and basic.
b). the younger generation as an object of coaching and development to those who need to hone skills development and can not be independent.

Problems of youth
 Various problems of young people who appeared at this time include:
Considered mental decline idealism, patriotism and nationalism among the people including the younger generation.
Lack experienced by the young generation in the future.
• There is an imbalance between the number of young people with educational facilities are available, both formal and non-formal. The high number of dropouts caused by various reasons that are not only detrimental to young people themselves, but also detrimental to the entire nation.
Lack of employment / job opportunities and high levels of unemployment / underemployment among the younger generation and result in reduced national productivity and slow down the pace of development of the national development and can cause a variety of other social problems.
Lack of nutrition can cause barriers to the development and growth of intelligence agencies among the younger generation, it is caused by the low purchasing power and lack of concern about nutrition and balanced diet among low-income communities.
A large number of underage marriage, especially among the rural areas.
Promiscuity that harm the joints of marriage and family life.
Increased juvenile delinquency, including drug abuse.

The potential of the younger generation
 Potentials found in the younger generation needs to be developed are:
Idealism and critical power
Dynamics and creativity
Courage Taking Risks
Optimist and excitement spirit
The nature of self-reliance, discipline, caring, and responsible
Diversity in unity and unity
Patriotism and Nationalism
Ability to master science and technology

The purpose principal socialization
 Socialization has the following objectives:
a. Provide skills to someone to be able to live in a society
b. Develop the ability to communicate effectively
c. Help control the functions of organic learned through introspective exercises right.
d. Getting used to behave in accordance with the values and fundamental beliefs that exist in society.

 3. Education

Develop the potential of young people
      Coaching and development potential of the younger generation at the college level, more directed in the courses in a variety of formal education. They scouted trained in the laboratory and in the field of practice opportunities. Young people is truly a source for the development of society and the nation. Therefore, coaching and special attention should be given to the needs and development of their potential.
How to develop the potential of young people:
Individuals must be given knowledge (skills) needed for later life in society.
Individuals must be able to communicate effectively and develop abilities.
Control of organic functions learned through introspective exercises right.
Acting behavior in harmony with the norms or values and fundamental beliefs exist in institutions or group in particular and the public in general.

Understanding education and college

       Education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed him and society.
Education is also a human existential counseling and guidance authentic, so that children learn to recognize the unique identity, to survive, and be able to have, to continue to develop social heritage that previous generations.
The purpose of education is to create a quality person and a character that has a broad view of the future to achieve the ideal of what is expected and able to adapt quickly and appropriately in a variety of environments

basic education
Primary education is the education level early for 9 (nine) the first year of school children underlying secondary education.
> Secondary education
Secondary education is secondary education basic education.
> Higher education
Higher education is education after secondary education includes undergraduate, master, doctoral, and specialist organized by the college.

       The college is a unit of education higher education providers. College learners called students, while teachers college called lecturers.
By type college is divided into two, namely:
Public universities college is the management and regulation made by the State.
Private universities, college is the management and regulation is done by the private sector.

The reasons for the opportunity to pursue higher education
       As a group of people with the best education, they have extensive knowledge of the community, because of the opportunity to engage in thought, discussion and research on the various problems that exist in society. Especially with the Asean Economic Community in 2015, of courseCompetition field of work will be high and we will compete also with other ASEAN community therefore higher education is so needed in this modern era, but it  also soft skills needed to be a plus in search of work.



Posted by Unknown on 20.32


A. Individual Growth
     1.Definition of Individual

      Individual comes from a greek word is  "individium"  means  " not divided" .In social science get individuals, concerning the nature of life and soul a pluralistic, role in intercommunication human life.Individuals are unified as people are not confined to individual as a whole.Then may conclude that the individual is a man who has a specific role in a typical or his personality.And there are three aspects of the flesh, namely the aspect of organic individuals ( physical and psychical aspect and social aspect.Where the aspect is interconnected.But if any damage it would undermine other aspects.

      2.Definition of Growth
      Growth can be interpreted as a quantitative change in material things as a result of environmental influences. The quantitative changes can be enlarged or added from nothing into nothing, from small to large of a little into a lot, from a narrow become widespread, and others.

      3. The influence of the individual growth. 
a. factors nativistic
Factors inborn.
b. Factors
Empirist founder and Environmentalist
Individual growth depends solely on the environment
are basic no role at all.
c. Factors convention founder and interactionism
- Conception convergence is assume that individual growth is determined
by basic (talent) and the environment,
- Conception interactionism
That dynamic versus stating that the interaction between the base and the environment can determine the individual.

B. Family Function
 Family functionis a jobs or tasks that must be implemented in or by the family.

There are several functions that can run the family, as follows:
1. biological function
    - To continue the descent.
    - Nurture and raise children.
    - Meet the nutritional needs of the family.
    - Maintaining and caring for family members.
2. Psychological Function
     - Provide affection and security.
     - Giving attention among family members.
     - Fostering personality maturation family members.
     - Giving Identity family members.
3. Socialization Function
      - Promote socialization in children.
      - Establish norms of behavior in accordance with the child's developmental level.
      - Continue the cultural values of the family.
4. Economic Functions
      - Finding sources of income to meet family needs.
      - Regulating the use of family income to meet family needs.
      - Saving to meet the needs of families in the future, such as children's education, pension, etc.
5. Functions of Education
      - Send children to provide the knowledge, skills and shape children's behavior according its talents and interests.
      - Prepare children for adult life that will come in fulfilling its role as an adult.
      - Educating children in accordance with the level of development.

6. Functions recreational
The task of the family in this recreation function does not have to always go to a place of recreation, but it is important how to create a pleasant atmosphere in the family so that it can be done at home by watching TV together, talked about each other's experiences, etc.

    1.Definition of Family and Society
   The family is a group of people living in part or whole building who live together and eat from the kitchen are not limited to those who have a blood relative, or someone who inhabit some or all of the buildings that takes care of his own needs.

   Society in the broadest sense is the entirety of all relationships in life with is not limited by the environment, and other nations. Society in the strict sense is a group of people who are restricted by certain aspects. Therefore it can be concluded. Socities are groups of people who have long lived in an area that is certain and have the rules together to achieve the common goal of achieving prosperity.

 Sections of the Society
1. Top
2. Middle
3. Down

    2. Distinguishing Between Industrial and Non-Industrial Society

(1) Non-Industrial Society

We already know in general terms that, national groups or non-industrial civil society organizations can be classified into two categories, namely primary group (primary group) and the secondary group (secondary group).

(a) Primary Group
In the primary group, the interaction between members established more intensive, more closely, more familiar. In because the group members often engage in dialogue, face to face, so they get closer, more intimate. in groups patterned primary familial and more based on sympathy.

Examples of primary groups: family, neighborhood, study groups, religious groups, and so forth.

(b) secondary group
Between members of the secondary group, adrift no relationship to each other indirectly, formal, also less family-oriented. By karen namely, the nature of the interaction, the division of labor, division of labor among members of the group are set on the basis of rational considerations, objective.
The members accept the division of labor / division of tasks on the basis of ability; specific expertise, in addition to the required dedication. Such things were necessary to achieve the specific goals and objectives that have been in flot in programs that have both agreed. Examples of secondary groups: political parties, associations of trade unions / labor unions, professional organizations and so on.

(2) Industrial Society
Durkheim uses variations of the division of labor as the basis for classifying the public, in accordance with the level of development. But is more likely to use two-level classification, ie simple and complex. Communities that are in the middle of these two earlier eksterm waiver (Soerjono Soekarno, 1982: 190) .examples: baker, shoemaker, turner, welder, engineers, electricians and skilled dynamo, they can work independently .

3. Relationship Between Individuals, Families and Society
1. Explaining the meaning of Individuals

A change in a person step by step due to the influence either of experience or outer empire through the senses that give rise to the experience of his own inner state that raises reflexions.

2. Explaining the Meaning of Family

The family is a group of people living in part or whole building who live together and eat from the kitchen are not limited to those who have a blood relative, or someone who inhabit some or all of the buildings that takes care of his own needs.

3. Explaining the Meaning of Society

As is well known, that the community is the most common categories to describe a group of people who interact continuously in a region or place at the boundaries of geographic, social, or cultural specific.

4. Explaining the Relationship Between Individual, Family and Society

1. The relationship of individuals with family

Individuals have a close relationship with the family, with father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, brother, and sister. This relationship can be based on the values, norms and rules attached to the family concerned.

With the family relationship, the individual in the end have the rights and obligations inherent in the family.

2. The relationship of individuals to society

Individual relationships with the communities located in mutual uphold human rights and obligations as an individual and social human beings. Where are the rights of individual and community rights should be determined by priority to the right of the community rather than individual rights. Mutual cooperation is the right of people, whereas with family recreation, entertainment, shopping is an individual right that should prioritize the rights of society.




Posted by Unknown on 00.14
          According W.J.S. Poerwodarminta on Indonesian dictionary, 'loyalty' is derived from the word 'faithful' which means "stay and courageous (in the family, friendship)."
For example, although it has been so long her husband to go abroad, he remained faithful (remain steadfast heart) wait. The term loyal connotes "submissive and obedient (to the regulations, an obligation)." For example, after all the heavy task to be executed, he remains faithful (dutiful) melakasanakannya. The term is also interpreted faithfully "hold fast (in the founding, promise)." For example, even if it rains with thick, he remained faithful to (cling to) fulfill a promise to go to his house.
Fidelity is a firm stance on the establishment and adherence to appointments, rules or values ​​that have been agreed.

A. Solidarity

Solidarity is a feeling of someone who comes from a sense of love for life together or fellow friends that realized with real charity in the form of sacrifice and willingness to maintain, defend, assist, and protect against life together.

B. Social Solidarity

Social solidarity or a sense of social solidarity is a spiritual potential, a commitment shared by the national identity as well as the Social Solidarity is the conscience of the Indonesian nation is replicated from the attitudes and behaviors based on the understanding, awareness, confidence and participation of social responsibility in accordance with the ability of each -masing citizens with a spirit of togetherness, a willingness to sacrifice for others, mutual cooperation in togetherness and kinship.
Therefore Social Solidarity is the Basic Value of Social Welfare, social capital (Social Capital) that exist in the community continue to be explored, developed and utilized in realizing the ideals of the Indonesian nation to state that Welfare Society.

As the basic values ​​of social welfare, social solidarity must continue to be revitalized in accordance with the actual conditions of the nation and is implemented in a concrete manifestation in our lives.
Social solidarity is a value that is meaningful to each nation. The soul and spirit of social solidarity in the life of the nation and the people of Indonesia in essence has been around since the days of our ancestors long before this country stand as an independent nation which became known as the nation of Indonesia.

The soul and the spirit of social solidarity in the course of the life of our nation has been tested in a variety of historical events, with the peak manifestation manifested in acts and attitudes based on the sense of community of the people of Indonesia in the face of practice or the practice of "social solidarity" are used to do in life everyday. For example, helping people who are sick.

Loyalty expected of Indonesia

As a pluralistic nation or diverse pluralistic society, the problem of too diverse, for example, matters of family life, even the life of the community within the state. The result may bring happiness or otherwise.

One factor that supports sustainability and the achievement of a life together is loyalty to what has been a mutual agreement. Similarly, in the life of the nation, we need a loyalty to the nation and the state to defend and preserve the survival of the nation and efforts to achieve the goal of establishment of the state.

Loyalty can also be directed at the person's state and nation. Teaching or understanding which requires the delivery of the highest fidelity to the country of his nationality called Nationalism.

     So fidelity is desired by the people of Indonesia are as follows:
     a. Loyalty to the integrity of the nation.
     b. Fidelity to the proclamation of independence August 17, 1945.
     c. Loyalty to the State of the Pancasila.
     d. Loyalty to the Indonesian legal system.

We know that humans instinctively kept in touch with each other and the environment, so that the relationship will lead to a social group.

If people have felt the same boat and have the awareness to help among social groups, the sense of unity and unity will be realized. If it is so then it will grow united force to repel the invaders.

Examples of improving the ability to create a life based on the principles of social solidarity:
- Getting used to help victims of natural disasters. In the previous explanation that the life of every human being to be significant when based on the principle of community life. Man by nature was always expected to live as social beings in addition to being individu.Nah, how or what should be done to help the victims of natural disasters? What to do include:

     Help with sincerity without any expectation of reward or profit or loss into account.
     Help according to their respective capabilities.
     Do not offend afflicted.
     Be patient and gentle in speech.
     If a precedence which could be prioritized.
     Help sought didactic.

- Participate in cooperation for the common good.
Examples of such acts committed:

     Community service in the neighborhood, such as gutter cleaning, cleaning the place of worship.
     Community service or mutual help build roads, bridges.
     Maintaining public facilities and so forth.

- Increase the family spirit.
To promote the spirit of family solidarity values ​​or cooperation can be implemented through other forms of activity. example:

     In the family, of the activities such as:
     - Eating together with the entire family.
     - Worshipping together.
     - Gathering to relatives and others.
     In the school environment, of the activities such as:
     - Form a study group.
     - Raise funds to help others who suffered the disaster.
     - Work devotion.
     - Social events and so forth.

Moral values ​​of social solidarity
Social solidarity (social solidarity) is a person who comes from a feeling of love for a life together that is realized with real charity in the form of sacrifice and willingness to maintain, defend, and protect against life together.

From the sense of solidarity that we can feel or judge a person's humanity. Solidarity means:

     Personal interest remains placed within the framework of obligations consciousness as a social being in social life.
     Obligations to society and the nation felt bigger than his personal interests.

As for the moral values ​​embodied in social solidarity including the following:

     Please help. Moral values ​​is evident in people's lives, such as: helping fellow neighbors. For example, to help victims of natural disasters or visit a sick neighbor.
     Mutual assistance, such as working the fields or build a house.
     Cooperation. This reflects an attitude of moral value to cooperate with others, although different in ethnicity, race, skin color, and does not discriminate the differences in cooperation.
     Value of togetherness. The moral is there because of the attachment of self and self-interest and fellow loyalty, help and defend each other. Examples contribute something to the place of disaster, whether it be flood, famine or attacked by another nation.


      Social solidarity or a sense of social solidarity is a spiritual potential, a commitment shared by the national identity as well as the Social Solidarity is the conscience of the Indonesian nation is replicated from the attitudes and behaviors based on the understanding, awareness, confidence and participation of social responsibility in accordance with the ability of each -masing citizens with a spirit of togetherness, a willingness to sacrifice for others, mutual cooperation in togetherness and kinship.
Therefore Social Solidarity is the Basic Value of Social Welfare, social capital (Social Capital) that exist in the community continue to be explored, developed and utilized in realizing the ideals of the Indonesian nation to state that Welfare Society.

As the basic values ​​of social welfare, social solidarity must continue to be revitalized in accordance with the actual conditions of the nation and is implemented in a concrete manifestation in our lives.
Social solidarity is a value that is meaningful to each nation. The soul and spirit of social solidarity in the life of the nation and the people of Indonesia in essence has been around since the days of our ancestors long before this country stand as an independent nation which became known as the nation of Indonesia.

The soul and the spirit of social solidarity in the course of the life of our nation has been tested in a variety of historical events, with the peak manifestation manifested in acts and attitudes based on the sense of community of the people of Indonesia in the face of threats from invaders threatening the survival of the nation.

History has proven that Indonesia achieved independence thanks to the high spirit of social solidarity. Therefore, the spirit of social solidarity must always be embedded, enhanced and confirmed through a variety of activities including warnings HKSN annually.

HKSN which we commemorate is an expression of gratitude and respect for the success of all the people of Indonesia in the face of the threat of other nations who want to re-colonize our nation. Warning HKSN that we carry out every December 20 is also an attempt to look back, appreciate and imitate the value of unity and integrity, cooperativeness value, the value of togetherness and family values ​​all the people of Indonesia in the war for Independence.

Currently we do not perform a physical struggle to repel the invaders, but we are facing now is the battle facing various social problems that afflict the nation of Indonesia such as poverty, neglect, social inequality, racial conflict in some areas, natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions , tsunamis, droughts, etc.), as well as injustice and other issues.

As per the demands of the moment, with regard to the potential and capability of our nation, then this HKSN warning which is a manifestation of the concrete realization of the spirit of social solidarity. With the principle of, by and for the community in its implementation requires a variety of support and active participation of all components / elements of the nation, not just the responsibility of government alone but collectively shared responsibility of all Indonesian people.

Therefore, the meaning of social solidarity as the attitudes and behavior associated with HKSN warning aimed at efforts to help and solve the social problems of the nation by means of utilizing the active role of the public at large, organized and sustained. Thus, social solidarity will grow and inherent in the people of Indonesia which is based on the values ​​of freedom, the value of heroism and solidarity values ​​itself in realizing the national vision of togetherness: living well, die to go to heaven, along with building a nation.


Warning HKSN be very strategic momentum in an effort to develop and implement social solidarity as a national movement in accordance with the conditions and challenges of the times, the social solidarity that permeates both cross-class and cross-racial paradaban and should continue to surge implemented all time, thus intangible "there is No whithout Solidarity day "(no day without social solidarity), social solidarity does not stop at the next HKSN which is celebrated annually on December 20 in the central, provincial and district / city as well as by the whole society sustained forever and all time.

Social solidarity as a manifestation of attitudes, behavior and identity of Indonesia will be able to be a large capital in addressing various social problems facing this nation gradually to make repairs and improve the well-being of communities across the country, if the value of freedom, the value of heroism and values the solidarity inherent in the life of the nation.


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