Posted by Unknown on 23.40

1.Youth internalizing and specialization
Definition Youth
        Youth is the young people which still need guidance and at the development of better , to continue and in the development that has now take place , youth in indonesia today has been multifaceted especially when associated with an educational opportunity.

Definition Socialization
        Socialization is a process of planting or transfer of customs or values and rules from one generation to another in a group or society. Some sociologists call socialization as a theory about the role (role theory). Because in the process of socialization taught the roles to be performed by the individual.
Internalization of Learning and Socialization 
        Internalization of learning and socialization process of infiltration of knowledge into the mind. In this process, explicit knowledge (visible, usually in the form of symbols and codes) converted into tasit (invisible). Examples of internalization is reading a book, print and digital. Printed books certainly do not need to be presented with information technology. While digital books or electronics require information technology.

The process of socialization
      The socialization process is ways associated people individuals and social groups meet each other and defines a system , relations and forms .Or as the reciprocal influence between the various facets of reality with which includes various aspects of life .According to prof .Dr .Soerjono soekamto in introductory sociology , social interaction is the key to all social life .By the absence of communication or interactions among each other and there is no possible a life together .If only physical that face each other from each other can not produce a form of a social group that can interact .Hence than it can it was stated that interaction is the basis of a form of the social process because without any social interaction , then activities between one individual with another can hardly be called interaction . Meanwhile, according to George Herbert Mead found that socialization through which a person can be distinguished through the following stages:
Preparatory phase (Preparatory Stage), Stage mimic (Stage Play), Phase ready to act (Game Stage), and the collective norm acceptance Stage (Generalized Stage / Generalized other).
The general form is a social process of social interaction (social interaction) and as a condition for the occurrence of social activity. Social interaction is social relations concerning the dynamic relationship between individual persons, between human groups, and between groups of people with individual persons.
Knowledge of social processes allows one to obtain a dynamic sense of community or society motion. Society in general has a structural forms such as: social groups, cultural, social institutions, strafikasi and power. All of them have interaction. Changes and developments in terms of the dynamics of society that embodies caused community members always make contact with one another, either in the form of individual persons or groups.

Socialization agents are those who carry out or socialize. There are four primary socialization agents, namely:
1. Family
According to Jaeger Gertrudge role of the agents of socialization within the family system in the early stages is very large because of the child to be in a family environment, especially their own parents.
2. Environment (playmate)
Was first obtained man when he was able to travel out of the house. Friends play can also influence the process of socialization after the family. The peak effect of playmates are in adolescence. Groups play a greater role in shaping the personality of an individual.
3. Institutions
According Dreeben, in formal educational institutions someone learn to read, write, and count. Another aspect studied are the rules regarding independence (independence), achievement (achievement), universalism, and distinctiveness (specificity). In a child's home environment expect help from their parents in carrying out various jobs, but at school as a large school work must be done with a sense of responsibility.
4. The mass media
Which include mass media group here is the print media (newspapers, majalh, tabloid), electronic media (radio, television, video, film). The magnitude of the influence of the media is highly dependent on the quality and frequency of the message.
Social contact can take place in three forms, namely:
a. Individuals with individual
There are individuals who give effect, stimulus / stimulus to another individual. For example; young children learn the habits of the family, this process is called socialization.
b. Individuals with a group of people
For example; norms of political parties in the community to force its members to conform to the ideology and program.
c. Group of humans with human group
for example; Relations of cooperation between the two companies to establish a business partnership.

The social role of students and youth in the community
     students are intellectuals, who have a strong scientific basis in accordance with the majors are taken of each student, which means students' academic ability can be relied upon as one of the country's assets. However, students also constitute a social entity that always interact with people from all kinds of layers, so in this case the students were required to play an active role in the social life of society. Meanwhile, The role of youth in society Socialization
youth are the future generation. Youth is always synonymous with change, because many youth role in helping to build this nation, the role of youth in the justice, and the role of young people who rejected power.

2. Youth and identity 

The basic pattern formation and development of the younger generation
 Basic pattern formation and development of young generation determined by the Minister of Education and Culture in Decree Pendidkan and Culture number: 0323 / U / 1978 dated October 28, 1978. That had the goal of keeping the interested parties actually use the guidelines to be able to achieve the goals right.

Pattern formation and development of young people have basic like:
1. Pancasila
2. Act of 1945
3. Outlines of State Policy
4. Youth Pledge and Proclamation
5. Values in the community

Basic understanding and coaching and youth development
In this case the coaching and youth development involves two fundamental sense, namely:
a). the younger generation as the subject of coaching and development to those who have the ability to be independent and basic.
b). the younger generation as an object of coaching and development to those who need to hone skills development and can not be independent.

Problems of youth
 Various problems of young people who appeared at this time include:
Considered mental decline idealism, patriotism and nationalism among the people including the younger generation.
Lack experienced by the young generation in the future.
• There is an imbalance between the number of young people with educational facilities are available, both formal and non-formal. The high number of dropouts caused by various reasons that are not only detrimental to young people themselves, but also detrimental to the entire nation.
Lack of employment / job opportunities and high levels of unemployment / underemployment among the younger generation and result in reduced national productivity and slow down the pace of development of the national development and can cause a variety of other social problems.
Lack of nutrition can cause barriers to the development and growth of intelligence agencies among the younger generation, it is caused by the low purchasing power and lack of concern about nutrition and balanced diet among low-income communities.
A large number of underage marriage, especially among the rural areas.
Promiscuity that harm the joints of marriage and family life.
Increased juvenile delinquency, including drug abuse.

The potential of the younger generation
 Potentials found in the younger generation needs to be developed are:
Idealism and critical power
Dynamics and creativity
Courage Taking Risks
Optimist and excitement spirit
The nature of self-reliance, discipline, caring, and responsible
Diversity in unity and unity
Patriotism and Nationalism
Ability to master science and technology

The purpose principal socialization
 Socialization has the following objectives:
a. Provide skills to someone to be able to live in a society
b. Develop the ability to communicate effectively
c. Help control the functions of organic learned through introspective exercises right.
d. Getting used to behave in accordance with the values and fundamental beliefs that exist in society.

 3. Education

Develop the potential of young people
      Coaching and development potential of the younger generation at the college level, more directed in the courses in a variety of formal education. They scouted trained in the laboratory and in the field of practice opportunities. Young people is truly a source for the development of society and the nation. Therefore, coaching and special attention should be given to the needs and development of their potential.
How to develop the potential of young people:
Individuals must be given knowledge (skills) needed for later life in society.
Individuals must be able to communicate effectively and develop abilities.
Control of organic functions learned through introspective exercises right.
Acting behavior in harmony with the norms or values and fundamental beliefs exist in institutions or group in particular and the public in general.

Understanding education and college

       Education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed him and society.
Education is also a human existential counseling and guidance authentic, so that children learn to recognize the unique identity, to survive, and be able to have, to continue to develop social heritage that previous generations.
The purpose of education is to create a quality person and a character that has a broad view of the future to achieve the ideal of what is expected and able to adapt quickly and appropriately in a variety of environments

basic education
Primary education is the education level early for 9 (nine) the first year of school children underlying secondary education.
> Secondary education
Secondary education is secondary education basic education.
> Higher education
Higher education is education after secondary education includes undergraduate, master, doctoral, and specialist organized by the college.

       The college is a unit of education higher education providers. College learners called students, while teachers college called lecturers.
By type college is divided into two, namely:
Public universities college is the management and regulation made by the State.
Private universities, college is the management and regulation is done by the private sector.

The reasons for the opportunity to pursue higher education
       As a group of people with the best education, they have extensive knowledge of the community, because of the opportunity to engage in thought, discussion and research on the various problems that exist in society. Especially with the Asean Economic Community in 2015, of courseCompetition field of work will be high and we will compete also with other ASEAN community therefore higher education is so needed in this modern era, but it  also soft skills needed to be a plus in search of work.



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